Saturday 8 November 2014

Week 6: Sentry Gun - I LOVE THIS PROJECT

Picking up from last week, I chose the crab that I felt I could push the most from my previous concepts and began to develop it further. I'm having the time of my life with this project now.

I ended up going with concept 8, I felt this had the most balanced silhouette and in general just looked awesome, so I wouldn't get bored making it! So I cracked on this week with the modelling and I think my model turned out pretty well. I only had to model half of the crab as the entire model is symmetrical, meaning I could just copy the assets and geometry across, flip it and weld it together.

Front Mesh View
Side Mesh View
Elements Mesh Top View

Final 3D Model

Unwrapping was surprisingly easy, I'm not sure if its because I'm one of those weirdo's that like unwrapping and I'm getting better at it, or if I just made a really easy model to unwrap. Either way it went great.

Turret Unwrap

It was at this stage I thought I should probably do the job I had been putting off, colour concepting. So I did a quick clown paint of my model and then just overlaid colours quickly in Photoshop for fast results.

Colour Concepts

Final Concept

It seems 8 was my lucky number again in colour concepting, it was my favorite as well as my peers, I used the colours from crystals to inspire the colour schemes.

Just one week to go, I still have to texture but then I have a chance to play around in engine!

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