Friday 17 October 2014

Week 3: Film Scene Stress

This week I finished modelling my bathroom assets, I was very happy with them and thought I was right on track with our timescale.

Cabinet Model
Shelf and Bottles Model
Wall Light Model

However when we presented our current work to the tutors they informed us we had one week less than we thought we did. Great.

My calm collected feeling of this project running smoothly was soon upturned. So my group got together and we edited our timeline to fit the new time constraints.

Edited Timeline
This meant that I had to rear in gear and crack on with the unwrap[ping and texturing. My porcelain texture wasn't very good so we ended up using Josh's texture for all the porcelain to have a uniform feel to the room.

Bathroom Assets Unwrapped
After texturing everything else to a decent standard we started to put our assets into Unreal Engine 4.

I was really struggling with the glass texture, it was stressing me out so I gave up, I'm going to research how to make glass over the weekend and come back Monday fresh and ready to tackle the problem.

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