Saturday 13 December 2014

Week 11: Dichotomous Characters Post Mortum

This week has been the most stressful of the term. I went back to the doctors and it turns out I've had respiratory tract infection on top of my stomach bug, which is why I've felt like death warmed over.

I got my computer back this week, it's CPU had been fried by the power surge, but at least I had it back to power on though my workload. I've manged to complete it, just, I was cutting it very close with my hand in. Due to being really ill and almost infecting the room during my presentation, my tutors gave me until Friday 9pm to hand in my project.

I had some file corruption on my hard drive, meaning I lost quite a lot of work on my already not finished shaman model. So the majority of this week consisted of working late nights and round the clock whilst trying to recover from illness. Fun right.

This is what I manged to produce as my end result.


I fixed a few problems that were pointed out to me during my presentation, such as changing the colours so they reflect the contrast in values that I had originally designed. Also there was the issue that I couldn't get the head to look cat like, and that it bulged too much out so I looked into the facial features of lions closely and edited the geometry.

Unedited Shaman Model

I really don't want to use this as an excuse for why my work was not as good as it could have been, as I'm not very happy with my final outcome to be honest. I feel like I could have done a lot more, but combined with my main beefy computer out of action for a week, getting really ill and having 3DS Max file corruptions, I think I did ok.

We've broken up for Christmas now, and I hope that I still have the motivation and drive to want to excel when I return, even if everything doesn't go to plan with my projects.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Week 10: Dichotomous Characters - My Computer Got Sick and so Did I

This week has been the worst.

After returning to my house in Leicester on Monday morning from commuting back to the backwater village of Wendover for my weekend waitress job, I discovered there had been power surge. The victims from this included my alarm clock, bedside lamp and most importantly my computer.

After rushing it to PC world to be sent off to be repaired, I started to feel really ill. Cut long story short I had a really bad stomach bug this week so apart from occasionally leaving my bed for meals or to throw up I've only been able to do work on my laptop.

The amount of work I have produced this week is terrible I've been so ill, I've only managed to model around 60% of my shaman character. Luckily most of the shaman design is symmetrical so I only have to model half of it and use the symmetry tool. I've been putting off the stuff I don't want to do, like the headdress and face.

I wish I could say I'm feeling better but I'm actually feeling worse by today, so it's back to he doctors, and a change of plans. I am only going to have time to model and texture one character model now, which is disappointing but there is not a lot I can do about it other than do the most I can.