Saturday 8 February 2014

Lollipop Sticks and Super Glue.... the Tools of Champions

After the Visual design intensive week of the vehicle project, we were then asked to make a small scale model using any materials we wanted. My eyes lit up with excitement at this point, 

I then rushed to pound land knowing exactly what I was going to use....

Lollipop sticks and super glue.

My inner child was beaming at using these materials once again. Needless to say I had fun getting suck in, but about half way through I ended up with half the glue stuck to my fingers and high as kite.

I was walking around my flat in a worse state the the above lion, so I put down my model and tried again the next day in a much more ventilated area.

I didn't manage to finish my model as i ran out of lollipop sticks... I used 200. But below is product of my labours.

I am quite happy with how it turned out but I am disappointed that I did not buy enough materials to be able to finish it, but with what I had this was the best representation I could achieve. 

I tried to to create the boat much like how a real boat would be made by overlapping the wood. The lollipop sticks were a good material to use as it represented wood very well, being wood itself, however I couldn't achieve the shape I really wanted so I don't think I would use them again.

I would definitely not use superglue with a project like this as it was very fiddly to get the wood to stick together, and it gave me a really bad headache, plus a lot of glue stuck to my fingers thus making it harder to glue my model together.

I would also have liked to add colour to it, to make it then golden viking boat that I lovingly created.