Friday 18 October 2013

A bit about me, and what on earth my blog title means:

Bethany Marie Elizabeth Cox is what my parents thought fit to name me but to save you the jaw ache just call me Beth. I'm from a tiny village called Wendover in the countryside with a 6 mile woods backing onto my house:

The High-street

View from a neighbors garden

So as you can image moving to Leicester is a bit scary, I'm in a concrete jungle and its a bit unnerving, mainly because I don't have to take a 20 minute drive to some form of civilisation other than a market and village shops. 

I am a student at De Montfort University studying Game Art Design. De Montfort has the course that stood out to me the most, with art being the fundamental core of its Game Art course, and I feel so privileged to be here. I am a completely traditional artist and have never done any digital or 3D work before this course, and it is quite daunting considering that games are digital and 3D! None the less I am up to the challenge and look forward to throwing myself into 'boot camp' which the course leaders call this year. Time management is something I need to work on, but finally being at university studying what I love I believe I can motivate my self to work hard to fulfil my personal goals and not only pass this year but to excel in my own ability.

I am an 'avid collector' of pretty much anything to do with games, films ,and books especially Monster Hunter, The Legend of Zelda, The Elder Scrolls and Lord of The Rings. I have an extensive collection of statues, figures, art-books, I've also discovered just how much I love cooking after having to fend for myself in halls, I did have a head start though, both my parents are qualified chefs.

My most prized possession in my collection, look at how big it is next to a tennis ball!

As a Norse Mythology fanatic I love to embrace my 'inner Viking' whenever possible and in every post of this blog I am sure you will be exposed to an interesting fact or tale about the Mythology of the North Germanic peoples, excluding Finland... they have their own crazy folklore book with 22,795 verses.

The weird title of this blog is three runic characters of the Norse 'Futhark' which takes its name form the first 6 letters of it, you know just like how the alphabet gets its name from the Greek letters alpha and beta. But it is not just phonetic, each rune has a meaning or association to an element of  Norse Mythology , some awesome and some not.

B-erkona (birch tree, and Idun goddess of spring) E-hwarz, (horse) TH-urisaz (giants of Norse mythology) spells my name. Effectively meaning 'tree horse giant'. It's kind of cool?

Have a go yourself here and write a comment with your Norse Rune name!