Friday 20 December 2013

Personal Enquiry - Video Game Content Rating Sytems

For my personal enquiry, I have chosen a part of video game history that interested me, which is a the effectiveness of video game content rating systems and how they enforced.

1 What is video game content rating systems? It is a system used to classify video games into categories depending on their content, and giving them correct warnings and age ratings. There are several different systems in use, but the main ones are ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) for the United States of America and PEGI (Pan European Game Information)2

When did they come into use and what caused this?

At some point in the time line of video games it was deemed that games need an a rating system, what games or events in the real world caused action to be taken?

The creation of the ESRB was sparked by the 1993 game Night Trap,

Night trap was a survival horror interactive movie game, released for the Sega CD and PC. The game caused a huge controversy, utilising full motion videos of college girls in what can seen as compromising positions, being attacked by men, sometimes in nothing but their underwear. Below is a video of some of the game play.

As a Direct result of the 9th December 1993 US Senate hearing on conference on the violence in video games, Night Trap was removed form shelves on the 16th December 19933 after being called  "shameful", "ultra-violent", "sick", and "disgusting", encouraging an "effort to trap and kill women"4

This game and Mortal Komat, Lethal Enforcers and Doom were the 4 primary factors in the creation of the ESRB rating system.
This was enforced for the prevention of children and young people being exposed to content they should not see, however this also gave developers full rein to develop games targeted at adults with strong violence, for example. - Carmageddon.5 

In this game the player had a limited amount of time to complete a care race getting bonus points the more damage done to other cars and hitting pedestrians. Not only violent games were now in development but also games with strong sexual  and borderline pornographic content in some instances. An example is Fahrenheit

In America the game had the sex scenes taken out but some people still chose import the uncut European versions6

It is useful having these ratings here, but only if people pay attention to them. My law, companies are not allowed to sell games rated 12,16 and 18 to people under those ages, the 5 and 7 age ratings are a guide.A lot of parents do not take these ratings seriously.

My experience of working in GAME in 2011. If I knew that an game was being bought for a for someone underage I was legally obliged to tell the parent what content was deemed inappropriate in the game, not refuse a sale. One customer got very angry when I didn't accept the money from her child instead of her, as it would have been illegal, even after I explained to her what was in the game she was unfazed that she was buying her 7 year old  son an 18 rates game. Some parents however when I told them were shocked that they didn't realise what the game involved. These children rely on their parents naivety of what content is actually in games.

There have been examples of children playing Grand Theft Auto, where their parents have thought it was a driving game, when the are lots of sexual, violence and drugs related references. In one instance, a parent deemed it was suitable game for his  4 year old child didn't engage in any of the game's explicit activities 'He didn't avoid these things because I told him he couldn't try them; it just never occurred to him to commit these acts in the first place.'7 

Is more education needed for parents about games? I think that there is, but do these games affect children negatively if they play under age? I certainly played games I was too young for when I was a child, due to my parent naivety, but I do not think it has affected the way I perceive certain things. Does it depend on the game? Most definitely in my opinion, it is all about the content warnings rather than just how old you have to be to play it.

Do violent games rated high affect people mentally in general? This is a subject that has much debate in the media, in the past and in recent times. For example, school shooter Adam Lanza was investigated and found to have a collection of violent video games8 which the media were quick to try and pin his motivations for the tragic crime he committed. However when people talk about this they chose to ignore that he had an even larger collection of family friendly games, and had extensive playtime of Dance Dance Revolution recorded.9 Was he extensively influenced by violent games or were video games used as a scapegoat?

Age ratings within games will always be talking point of the media and controversy, this is what makes it so interesting to me, and it is an important way that video games have changed the world we live in.


Other References

Documentary - Charlie Brooker: Video Games Changed the World

Monday 16 December 2013

Personal Enquiry - Further Explored Second Draft

For my personal enquiry, I have explored a few options to narrow down what I want to research and write about thoroughly and now I haven chosen my topic of research to be age ratings with games and how they enforced.

What is an age rating? What are the difference video game age rating systems in use regionally nationally and internationally? When did they come into use and what caused this?

At some point in the time line of video games it was deemed that games need an a rating system, what games or events in the real world caused action to be taken?

Examples of where age ratings are not taken seriously:

My experience of working in GAME in 2011. If I knew that an game was being bought for a for someone underage I was legally obliged to tell the parent what was in the game, not refuse a sale. One customer got very angry when I didn't accept the money from her child instead of her, as it would have been illegal, even after I explained to her what was in the game she was unfazed that she was buying her 7 year old  son an 18 rates game. Some parents however when I told them were shocked that they didn't realise what the game involved. These children rely on their parents naivety of what content is actually in games.

If your parents were naive or laid back then at some point you must have persuaded them to buy you game you were not old enough to buy or play

Examples of 5 year olds playing GTA, their parents think it was a driving game, when the are lots of sexual references.

Night trap had US senate hearing about its controversy of utilising full motion videos of college girls in what can been as compromising positions this game caused American age rating system to be implemented. However this gave developers full rein to develop games targeted at adults for example - carmageddon, and games with strong sexual content and borderline pornographic games. Fahrenheit - in America the game had the sex scenes taken out but people still chose import the uncut European versions.

More education is needed for parents about games, but do games affect children negatively if they play under age? Does it depend on them game? Do games rated high affect people mentally? School shooter Adam Lanza- was he influenced by violent games or were video games used as a scapegoat?

Thursday 28 November 2013

Personal Enquiry - Rough Draft

For my personal enquiry, I have explored a few options to narrow down what I want to research and write about thoroughly.

My first idea was; have video games got easier and why?

Looking at how the history of video games being a niche market where companies actually had the confidence to make video games challenging, to present day where video games have become a part of everyday home life to most of the population, resulting in companies throwing out easy-peasy games to make as much money as possible. For an avid video game fan, it has been near torturous to see how some of my favourite series have gone down the pan in terms of quality game play.

Example of hard games when I was younger: Donkey Kong Country on SNES was difficult, I had to team up with my dad to beat it at the end. Tomb Raider, finding all the artifacts and puzzles were hard. Even the 2008 Tomb raider still had difficulty. Heart racing games when close to dieing.

New versions of these games, Donkey Kong Country Returns is hard just like the classic however  Tomb Raider released n 2013, every tomb was optional, reboot yes but not a Tomb Raider game and was left disappointed, entire genre of game changed and become very easy.

Review of Tomb Raider I agree with:

When exactly did this happen, what game are still hard? Demon Souls: has the mechanics of an old game, you die, you go back to the start of the level.

How are games made difficult today? Most games make enemies bullet sponges by giving them more health, not really much of a challenge.
Why have games become easier, to make sure they sell games and people give up to easily.

Second Idea: Age ratings with games and how they enforced.

If your parents were naive or laid back then at some point you must have persuaded them to buy you game you were not old enough to buy or play.

Kids rely on their parents naivety of what content is actually in games.

My experience of working in GAME in 2011, with if I knew that an 18 game was being bought for a child I was legally obliged to tell the parent what was in the game. Customer got angry when I didn't accept the money from her child.

Examples of 5 year olds playing GTA, their parents thing it was a driving game.

Night trap caused American age rating system to be implemented. However this gave developers full rein to develop games targeted at adults ie carmageddon.

More education is needed for parents about games, but do games affect children negatively if they play under age? Does it depend on them game?,16586.html

Third Idea - Are women over sexualised and stereotyped in games?

Women in games are very much sexualised but to what extreme? Either a damsel in distress or has to use how sexy she is to empower her to beat her enemies,

Damsels - Princess Peach, Dinosaur planet -Crystal turned into a damsel for starfox adventures.

Over sexualised - Ivy soul calibur, Bayonetta, Felicia from darkstalkers etc.

Contradictions to theses stereo types: Tomb raider 2013, Elena and Cloe from Uncharted, Skyrim able to create a female warrior, Portal.

Why does this happen, sex sells. In games , films, TV, all media sex sells. All women involved though aren't sexualised against their will, they do it because they want to. You can either choose to be offended by how women are sexualised in games and think about how it could affect men growing up and their ideas of women, or you can just see that it is what sells and games are made to make money.

Look at my Extended project.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

The History of Computer Games - Into the 2000s... My Gaming History.

For the history of computer games from the 2000's until present, I decided to do something a little different form the last two posts. I'm going to look at my gaming history!

In 2000 I was at the age of 7 and had just got past the 'I'm just wandering around aimlessly and have no conscious knowledge of what I'm doing because I'm a kid' phase whilst playing games.

My first game was OddBallz, the virtual pet game that was the alternative to 'Catz' and 'Dogz' which I also played the hell out of. In Oddballz you hatched strange alien creatures that you could, turn into farmyard animals with a ray gun, paint them with a special lollipop they ate among other things, and then hoover then up when finished. I think the idea was to learn to look after your alien pets by feeding them and playing with them but I'm pretty sure I spent most of my time seeing how much I could change them.

 I tended to stick to the PC a lot as a kid, which led me to play Toonstruck, one of my all time favourite games. A point and click side scrolling puzzle adventure game starring Christopher Lloyd, who's been transported to the world of the fluffy fluffy bun bun show with his drawn side kick flux wildly. It's a bit inappropriate for a 7 year old now I think a bout it with bondage cows and psychopathic clown screaming 'LUNG SANDWICH'  that would give most people nightmares. I didn't play normal games a child.

But I loved it to pieces, I really liked how there was real video mixed with computer hand rendered images then scanned into the game. It took me many months to finish it due to how hard I found it, occasionally hollering for my dad to help me but its crazy, difficult and I haven't seen anything like it since, so it sticks with me. Watch the trailer, no actually watch it, don't just scroll past, its insane.

I moved onto console games soon after, becoming a Nintendo child from inheriting a SNES and a Nintendo 64. I played Super Mario 64 and Diddy Kong racing until I passed out in my bed almost every night ensuring Wizpig and Bowser would haunt my dreams.

The moment of throwing Bowser off the  into the final bomb of the final level gave me a sense of achievement. I had completed my first game all by myself no help from dad needed. A mini power trip.

Those two games had so much to do in that I never got bored, it would take me weeks to get through them. This is something I miss about games that I rarely find in games today, a decent play through length. They were also hard to fully complete, I feel that the games I have played have definitely become easier over time, that or I must be getting better?

My PlayStation 2 phase was ruled by one game series particular, Jak and Daxter. All three main games were great, they had the right amount of difficulty, adventure and humour for my 12 year old self. I was pretty satisfied.

But on a serious note it had a really good storyline for Jak II and Jak 3, I was gripped from start to finish and it has lots of FUN mini games. And the cheats are hilarious, well I found them amazing when I was younger anyway.


One of my first gaming experiences was watching my dad play 'Heart of Darkness' on the PC, a side scrolling adventure puzzle game when I was 5. So a couple of years ago I bought a PS1 copy and sat down to give it a go.... it is the most rage quit initiating  game I have ever played, there are 8 HUGE levels and if you die once, you get taken back to the start of that level.

 I got to the 5th level before this.
I gave up.


My taste in games varied a lot from then onwards, dabbling in the Sims, Zelda, Uncharted but the one that stands out most to me is Monster Hunter. I love everything about it from the diversity of the ways you can play, to the design of the monsters and armours. Monster hunter Tri in particular.

It was a hard game, this I cherished as it finally gave me challenge, it was based on your skill. You had to learn to tell what a particular monster would do, by trying to learn its move set. You had to create armour which was strong against certain monsters and use elements in weapons that weakened the monsters. It was not a simple hack and slash, you ACTUALLY had to block, doge, run away, sneak up and trap the monsters trying to out wit them. All within 50 minutes. Defeating a monster felt like a proper victory, however missing out on a kill by minutes was infuriating.

My favourite armour and weapon set is from the Barioth, a huge Saber Tooth Cat Wyvern. The 4 Armour designs, for both male and female are so diverse in just one monster set, imagine how diverse the rest of the game is, all of these ideas come from imagining utilising and skinning the monster the player slays. They are so unique.

I tend to play games online with people now instead of by myself, I could go on more but this is been a brief history of some of the more memorable games that I have played. Have a picture of a cute Barioth chasing a hunter:

Monday 11 November 2013

The History of Computer Games 1980s - 1990s

The 1980's-90s was where gaming went from arcades to the home, the industry riding the back of the personal computer revolution and the first experience of the boom bust cycle which continues in the industry today.

At the start of the 1980's after Atari's pong and the success of its home consoles, many companies wanted a piece of the action and so a huge array of home consoles began to surface. To name a few there was:

     There was the Coleco Telstar 1                          The Magnavox Odyssey 2

                 And the Atari 2600 3

Over the course of these consoles being created, the market became a bit stale as there was little variety. The rise of personal computers and the oversupply consoles led to the end of Atari in 1983. A part of what led to this is the release of 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial' video game, there were so millions of unsold copies returned to Atari due to word getting out how awful the game play was. This resulted in Atari burying millions of the cartridges in a land fill in New Mexico.4 This was the first video game crash and evidence of the boom bust cycle in the industry.5

It was the end of the US's dominance in the industry and Japan took over with the rise of Nintendo. The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES, Famicon) was reaccessed in 1983 and quickly became the best selling console of its time6. Part for its success was a total off 18 launch titles including: 'Ice Climber7, 'Excitebike'8 and 'Super Mario Bros'9

IceClimberboxartnes.jpgExcitebike cover.jpgSuper Mario Bros. box.png

Sega had a hit with the Sega Mega Drive (Sega Genesis) in 1988, with titles like 'Golden Axe II'10, 'Sonic the Hedgehog'11 and 'Eco the Dolphin'12.
  European cover art

However Nintendo stayed the strongest and were the big kids of the playground for the late 80s to early 90' with their next console the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1990 with some strong memorable tittles like 'Donkey Kong Country'13 and 'Super Mario Kart'14 

Then Sony came into the picture with the Play Station in 1994 and introduced not only the transition from cartridge to CD's in home consoles but also 2D to 3D games. Some popular titles were: 'Crash Bandicoot'15 and 'Spyro the Dragon'16

To round off the 90's Nintendo released the Nintendo 64 in 1997. This console had one of the weirder controllers, but played some of the most memorable games of the 90's including: 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'17 and 'Super Mario 64'18.

 I felt like this kid when I opened my Nintendo 6419

To me this was on of the most important time of the games industry as I believe it showed the most progress in such a short space of time, and without the important achievements in technology reached in this era we wouldn't have a lot of the technology we have today.